Accelerating Institutional and Food 
Systems Development (AIFSD) program

AIFSD Program Goals and

AIFSD is undertaking interventions to strengthen institutional capacity to support the agricultural sector to move to the next level of commercialization. These include: support to the Council of Governors’ Agriculture, Arid Lands and Cooperative Sector Secretariat; national level support to the development of the Kenya Livestock Master Plan; support to counties to domesticate national policies, strategies, and legislation; strengthening private sector engagement; and building the capacity of farmer producer organizations.

meetings AIFSD
Program component

Livestock value chain

AIFSD aims to increase profitability in livestock production and enhance the capacities of national and county governments to develop and implement policies that will provide an enabling environment for sustainable livestock production.  The activity works closely with technical personnel in national and county governments, private sector actors, and a multidisciplinary team of scientists to provide access to technologies in participatory rangeland management, disease surveillance, animal breeding, fodder production and productivity management practices, agri-nutrition interventions, and market systems development for pastoralists in targeted counties of Garissa, Isiolo, Marsabit, Samburu, Turkana and Wajir.

Potato value chain

AIFSD is working to improve productivity and profitability of potato farming in Bungoma and Taita Taveta counties. The activity is working with county governments and the private sector to increase access to certified seed, introduce production enhancing practices for commercially oriented potato farming, support farmer producer organizations, and create rural business and employment opportunities, in particular for women and youth, along the seed and ware potato production value chain.


Drought tolerant crops

AIFSD aims to increase productivity of drought tolerant crops in Kitui, Makueni, and Taita Taveta through improved access to quality seed and robust county-led seed production and delivery systems. The activity is working to establish a functional and sustainable drought tolerant crop seed system by creating an enabling environment for private sector initiatives and community seed banks and building the institutional capacity of county governments and farmer producer organizations.  It is also supporting the development of county specific agri-nutrition strategies that aim to improve the nutrition status of women and children.