Accelerating Institutional and Food 
Systems Development (AIFSD) program

AIFSD Program Goals and Approach

AIFSD supports USAID's Country Development Cooperation Strategy and Feed the Future Strategy by harnessing the technologies and innovations within the CGIAR to advance development objectives.  By strengthening public and private institutions to enable the wide application of technologies, innovations, knowledge, and services, and supporting market systems level changes, the activity aims to increase productivity and incomes, create jobs, and enhance resilience.

The goal of AIFSD is to sustainably reduce poverty and hunger in USAID’s Feed the Future zones of influence in Kenya.

AIFSD’s Theory of Change

The AIFSD program theory of change is based on the premise that effective public and private institutions enabling the wide application of technologies, innovations, knowledge, services, combined with market systems level changes, targeted to poor and vulnerable populations will increase productivity and incomes; create jobs; and enhance resilience - resulting in inclusive economic and agricultural growth, and reduced poverty and hunger. This is essentially a ‘whole value chain approach’ in which effective institutions, supportive policies, and markets are part and parcel of value chain development leading to sustainability and self-reliance.